United States Attorney Handling Grand Jury Investigations

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Illinois Lawyer: Federal Grand Jury Indictments

You have heard the saying, “Anything you do or say will be held against you in the court of law.” Nowhere is this more true than in grand jury investigations. Even if you are only a witness, your words can be held against you later in the investigative process. An experienced attorney will know how to guide you through these complex court proceedings.

Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. has represented many clients during grand jury investigations. He uses his knowledge and experience to negotiate deals outside of the courtroom, granting his clients immunity against indictment. Contact his offices in Chicago or Schaumburg, Illinois, to schedule an appointment.

Don’t Speak Without Advice From Your Lawyer
All too often, witnesses in a grand jury investigation will neglect to hire an attorney to represent them. Without an attorney’s advice, they may incriminate themselves without knowing it by saying too much. Although he cannot be in the grand jury room during the questioning, Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. will advise you on when to talk and when to say nothing at all.

Protecting Your Rights

If you received a subpoena to appear before a grand jury as the target of an investigation or as a witness, you have the right to seek legal counsel. The federal government has nearly unlimited resources to question and make a case against you. By hiring an attorney, you will have access to a counselor who can guide you through the proceedings and advise you on your best options.

In order to protect your rights, your attorney will need to know why you were subpoenaed. The subpoena documents often do not specify whether you are a witness or the subject of investigation. An attorney can discover why you were called before the grand jury and speak for you in proceedings outside of the grand jury room.

If you need an attorney to represent you in a grand jury investigation, contact the offices of Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. through this Web site or by calling 312-692-0360. He has offices in Chicago and Oakbrook, Illinois.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12