United States Health Care Fraud Attorney

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Strong Defense Against Federal Health Care Fraud Charges

United States and the federal government take health care fraud very seriously. Recently, undercover operations, task forces and coordinated initiatives have been used by the FBI to identify health care fraud. These initiatives target everything from individual health care providers to hospital systems to home health care companies.

United States health care fraud lawyer Nishay K. Sanan, Esq., is highly experienced and adept at defending clients accused of health insurance fraud and all related federal crimes. During a career spanning more than 15 years, he has defended clients from all parts of the health care industry, including:

  • Doctors, pharmacists and nurses
  • Hospitals and clinics
  • Home health care companies
  • Medical billing and coding companies

Handling All Types of Federal Health Care Fraud Charges in United States

The government is diligent and thorough in researching Medicare/Medicaid fraud and all other forms of health care fraud. If you are under investigation or indictment, you deserve an attorney who has had success in many different types of federal health care fraud cases, including:

  • Code of ethics violations
  • Fraudulent prescriptions
  • Illegal Internet pharmacies
  • FDA-regulated drugs imports or exports
  • Medicaid or Medicare fraud for services or products
  • Medical license falsifications and bribery
  • Fraudulent billing for services not rendered
  • Kickbacks and self-referrals

Nishay K. Sanan has succeeding in having clients acquitted in cases that initially looked very strong. You should not assume that you need to plead guilty or no contest. The consequences are harsh and long lasting. Reach out to Mr. Sanan for advice and representation before making any decisions.

Contact a Manhattan Medicare Fraud Lawyer: Free Consultation

If you are under investigation or accused of health care fraud, Nishay K. Sanan is ready to meet with you and defend your rights. Please call his United States law office at 312-692-0360 or 888-335-6504. You can also contact his law firm online. While initial consultations are free, clients may be asked to reimburse for travel expenses.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12