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USA V. ESCHAVIA Medicaid/ Medicare Fraud Charges dismissed prior to indictment. This case involved alleged commissions paid for referrals of new patients to home health care program.
USA V. RN Distribution Tax Fraud/ Structuring After Governments investigation into structuring of bank transactions, and Mr. Sanan’s early intervention on behalf of his client, Government did not indict.
USA V. XXXX Medicaid/ Medicare Investigation Client, concerned about an audit, contacted Mr. Sanan, who was able to intervene at an early stage and obtained a favorable esult for his client.
USA V. AGEE Large scale drug conspiracy Sentence reduced by 90 months
STATE V. XXXX Aggravated Sexual Assault Dropped to probationable crime and no sex offender registration
STATE V. REOLA Firearms, drugs & Armed Violence All major charges dropped– Cook Boot Camp
USA V. BANDARI Immigration Fraud Facing five years, sentenced to 6 months
USA V. BRADLY Drugs & Guns Original attorney plead client to use of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking and did not inform client he was a career offender facing over 20 years in prison. Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. tried to have plea withdrawn in district court arguing that the facts as stated in plea do not rise to the crime charged. After the district court denied the motion, it sentenced Bradley to 262 month. On appeal, the 7th Circuit Court of appeals reversed and remanded allowing the withdrawal of the plea. Bradley eventually received 84 months.
Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12