United States Fraud Defense Lawyer

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Experienced Trial Lawyer Defending Clients Accused of Fraud in Illinois, and Across the Nation

In over 15 years of practice, Nishay K. Sanan, Esq., has seen many smart businesspeople, such as CPAs and tax consultants, investigated for fraud by Illinois or the United States government. He knows that many complex or novel business ideas become the subject of fraud investigations – even when their creators have done nothing wrong. It takes a well-qualified attorney, however, to understand this and to make this affective argument to federal prosecutors.

Attorney Sanan has a background in accounting with an emphasis on tax. He is well-qualified to handle complex financial matters that are often involved in fraud allegations. He believes that a clear understanding of the accusations and the underlying facts are essential to strong defense.

In recent years, more and more taxpayers are being indicted for tax fraud. The IRS just recently strengthened their Criminal Investigation Department (CID) by hiring new investigators. Using his background in tax, defense attorney Nishay K. Sanan, Esq., helps you fight charges by preparing a strong defense.

High-end, complex fraud charges can involve fighting wiretaps, illegal surveillance and search warrants. They can involve overwhelming number of documents. Nishay Sanan is an experienced attorney who is prepared to handle them all.

Each client, each business arrangement, and the facts of each case are unique. Nishay K. Sanan, Esq., handles a broad range of fraud charges:

  • Tax fraud
  • Accounting fraud
  • Mail or wire fraud
  • Bank fraud
  • Securities fraud
  • Health care, benefits or pharmaceutical fraud
  • Internet fraud
  • Immigration fraud
  • Insurance fraud

Contact an Illinois Tax Fraud Defense Attorney: Free Consultation

To speak with lawyer Nishay K. Sanan, Esq., contact his United States law office through this Web site or by calling 312-692-0360. Consultations are confidential, free, and available throughout the United States, although the prospective client is asked to pay for Mr. Sanan’s travel expenses.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12