United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Lawyer

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Businesses based in United States and throughout Illinois are impacted by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). FCPA prohibits U.S. corporations from issuing payments to foreign government officials in exchange for new business or to sustain existing business. This act is enforced more aggressively today than when Congress passed the FCPA in 1977.

Undercover informants who take foreign bribes in exchange for political favors can be a part of FCPA investigations. Sound legal guidance that forms an effective resolution is required to effectively resolve FCPA issues. To protect your rights, it is vital to discuss the matter with a Chicago Foreign Corrupt Practices Act attorney.

Attorney Nishay K. Sanan has the background required to aggressively fight to protect the rights of individuals and businesses included in FCPA allegations. As an experienced white collar criminal defense lawyer, he has in-depth knowledge of specialized defenses that pertain to FCPA and criminal law procedure.

Attorney Nishay K. Sanan understands the need for strict confidence and always maintains confidential communication with clients from his private law practice. He has the accomplished legal background needed to aggressively fight against Illinois bribery charges. These are serious criminal matters with severe penalties, including fines. In cases for FCPA and other white collar crime, corporations never go to jail but individuals can.

A thorough fact-finding initiative that analyzes and identifies pertinent information is the start of every FCPA case. From this far-reaching documentation that extends beyond the U.S. to overseas, attorney Nishay K. Sanan develops a plan for strategic defense. It is always his ultimate goal is to effectively resolve a case through the elimination or reduction of charges. He understands what a client wants more than anything is a normal life with full freedom. Through every step of the legal process, he is committed to protecting clients’ rights through the effective resolution of cases.

Contact an Illinois Bribery Attorney

Contact attorney Nishay K. Sanan, Esq., to discuss an allegation of a FCPA violation. Call his Chicago or Oakbrook, Illinois, law office at 312-692-0360 or 888-335-6504 or send an e-mail. Initial consultations are free, but clients may be asked to reimburse for travel expenses.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12