Criminal Copyright & Trademark Infringement Lawyer in United States

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Intellectual Property Infringement Lawyer in Illinois

The federal laws governing copyright and trademark infringement are extremely complex and call for serious criminal consequences. Unfortunately, the persons or companies accused of copyright or trademark infringement are often unaware that they were breaking these laws.

When facing the vast resources of the federal government, it is absolutely imperative to retain the services of an experienced and highly skilled criminal defense attorney. Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. provides clients with an aggressive defense against copyright and trademark infringement charges. Speak with a lawyer who will go to great lengths to protect your future and your reputation.

A Federal Defense Lawyer for Your Federal Criminal Charges

Unlike most attorneys, Nishay K. Sanan focuses his practice on federal criminal defense law and has done so for more than ten years. He is not afraid to try complex cases in federal court. From his office in United States, he protects the rights of clients facing criminal infringement charges throughout the United States.

Your Best Defense Is an Early Defense

If you have received a cease and desist letter, or federal investigators have shown up at your door, the best thing you can do is contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Do not talk to the police until you have had the chance to speak with a lawyer. The sooner Attorney Sanan can start working on your case, the better your chances for a positive outcome.

Did you know that there was a copyright or trademark on the image, slogan, domain name, logo or other intellectual property that you used? Did you intentionally use another company’s intellectual property to deceive customers? Depending upon the facts of your case, Nishay K. Sanan may be able to demonstrate that you did not willfully infringe upon a copyright or trademark.

Prison Sentences for Copyright and Trademark Infringement

If you are convicted of a copyright or trademark violation, Attorney Sanan will fight to reduce the potential penalties you are facing. Commercial copyright and trademark felony convictions can put you in jail for up to five years. Non-commercial misdemeanor convictions carry up to a one year sentence. If this is a multiple offense, you may face ten years in prison.

Protect Yourself and Your Company – Contact Nishay K. Sanan, Esq.

If you have been accused of replicating a protected business logo, illegally copying music or movies, infringing on a trademarked domain name or any other form of trademark or copyright infringement, please do not hesitate to contact Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. at 312-692-0360. Located in Chicago and Oakbrook, Illinois, Attorney Sanan represents clients throughout the United States. Initial consultations are free, although you may be asked to pay for travel expenses.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12