Securities Fraud Defense Lawyer and Attorney In United States

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Throughout his career, lawyer Nishay K. Sanan, Esq., has defended CEOs, CFOs, stockbrokers and other company officials from allegations of securities fraud. Using his background in accounting, with an emphasis in tax, he reviews documents and develops a strong defense, keeping in mind the criminal consequences his clients face, including fines, jail time and bans from selling securities.

The best advice when faced with accusations of securities fraud is to contact a United States securities fraud lawyer early. By the time the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) contacts you or your clients, it has already been investigating the business for fraudulent practices. Get the counsel of a qualified attorney. Without one you may unwittingly make incriminating statements that can hurt you or cause you to be criminally prosecuted..

Nishay Sanan brings a unique level of sophistication and experience to securities fraud investigations and trials. He has dealt with the United States Stock Exchange, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (formerly NASD), the Illinois Securities Exchange and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) in arbitrations, Illinois courts and federal courts around the country. Using this experience he may be able to assist you in avoiding charges, having your case dismissed, successfully defending you at trial, or significantly reducing the penalties you face. Securities fraud charges encompass a variety of fraudulent practices, including:

  • Insider trading
  • Stock manipulation schemes
  • Stockbroker embezzlement
  • Unlicensed dealing in securities
  • Misstatements on public financial reports and SEC filings
  • Options misconduct
  • Churning
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Junk securities
  • Fraudulent inducement

Mr. Sanan has handled them all. He is well-qualified to represent you and offers a strong defense against these charges.

A securities fraud conviction can destroy your career. Contact attorney Nishay K. Sanan, Esq., through this website or call 312-692-0360. Initial consultations are free, although you may be asked to pay for travel expenses.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12