United States Lawyer Fighting Criminal Environment Law Violations

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Illinois Environmental Crimes Defense Lawyer

A violation of state or federal environmental laws that poses a significant threat of harm to people, property or the environment – such as illegally dumping a toxic substance into the water or soil – is a crime that will be prosecuted.

Specific laws protect the air, water, wildlife, endangered species, forests, climate, energy and oceans. Other statutes are aimed to curb the illegal use of pesticides and insecticides, dumping of solid and toxic wastes, and to protect established environmental resource policy.

Environmental Crime Charges

The Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. defends people charged with committing environmental crimes in regard to the following:

  • Violation of the Clean Water Act
  • Illegal dumping of chemicals
  • Covering up soil contamination with heavy metals
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
  • Environmental Quality Improvement Act
  • Release of toxic substances into the air/toxic waste disposal (Clean Air Act)
  • Destruction of wetlands
  • Falsifying research data to comply with environmental regulations
  • Bribery of governmental and agency officials

Environmental law violators are usually hit with criminal fines, probation, jail time or a combination of these penalties. If you or someone you know is involved in an environmental law violation case and want to know more about available defense options,
contact Nishay K. Sanan immediately.

Equipped to Handle Complex Environmental Law Defense

Enforcement of environmental crimes is a complex process. It takes place from many different levels of various federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). Furthermore, many federal laws regulate environmental actions and can be interpreted in a variety of ways.

A successful environmental crime defense therefore requires an attorney with a comprehensive understanding of the agencies involved, as well as federal law and federal court procedure.

Attorney Nishay K. Sanan has handled high-level environmental law cases for more than ten years and is well-versed in federal environmental laws and regulations. He is an aggressive negotiator and skilled trial attorney who will go to great lengths to protect his clients’ futures and reputations.

Protect Yourself, Your Company – Contact Nishay K. Sanan, Esq.

If you have been accused of dumping hazardous waste, air/water pollution or any other environmental crime, please do not hesitate to contact Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. at 312-692-0360. Located in Chicago and Schaumburg, Illinois, Attorney Sanan represents clients throughout the United States who are facing charges for violation of environmental laws. Initial consultations are free, although you may be asked to pay for travel expenses.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12