Public Corruption Defense Lawyer in United States

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Illinois Kickback Scheme Defense Attorney

Most officials in the crosshairs of a public corruption case have ample notice of an impending indictment. Public corruption charges can destroy your career. A conviction can take away your freedom. Fight back by hiring experienced criminal defense attorney Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. With offices located in Chicago and Oakbrook, Illinois, attorney Sanan has spent his career helping clients throughout Illinois and nationwide to protect their name, public image and reputation when facing charges of bribery, public corruption and other white collar crimes.

Contact the offices of Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. to schedule a confidential appointment.

Nishay Sanan represents local, city and state officials as well as other government employees and those with close connections to them who are being investigated or indicted for public corruption. He tailors his approach to meet the needs and careers of his individual clients accused of white collar offenses such as:

  • Trading contracts or licenses for bribes
  • Insider hiring or contracting
  • Schemes to defraud the public
  • Money laundering
  • Embezzlement
  • Campaign fundraising violations
  • Threatening someone in exchange for property

An Attorney Equipped to Handle High-Profile Cases

When public officials and those who work for them face corruption or extortion charges, they run the risk of high-profile public attention. They need a lawyer who can handle the media and keep them out of the spotlight. Nishay K. Sanan’s primary goal is the success of his clients. He places the utmost importance on confidential communications. This confidentiality is foremost on his mind when dealing with the media. He manages media attention to tone down the rhetoric and protect his clients’ best interests at all times.

Protect Your Civil Rights, Your Life and Your Career

A public corruption charge affects the state official and all those involved with him or her. Contact Nishay K. Sanan, Esq. through this Web site or by calling 312-692-0360 to talk about fighting public corruption charges and protecting your civil rights. Initial consultations are free and confidential.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12