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USA V. TURNER (Retrial) Threat to assault or murder federal judges “Shock Jock” Hal Turner was retried in March 2010. This time, in an unprecedented move, the Government called all three 7th Circuit Judges, who were allegedly “threatened” by the editorial published by Turner, to the stand. Attorney Nishay K. Sanan, even after the three judges stated they felt threatened, was able to convince jurors that the judges testimony was irrelevant. After several days of deliberations, the Jury could not come to a unanimous decision and a mistrial was declared.
STATE V. JOHNSON Drug possession Case dismissed after suppression hearing.
STATE V. XXXX Aggravated domestic violence Accused of firing a shotgun at his gay lover, client was found not guilty at trial.
USA V. $65,740 Forfeiture action Government conceded and returned $65,740.00 that were seized from a safe deposit box in a drug conspiracy investigation.
USA V. IHMUD Counterfeiting Charges dismissed prior to indictment of co-defendants.
USA V. LUNA Embezzlement Received probation on serious claims of Embezzlement from a bank.
USA V. HERERRA Large drug conspiracy Charges dismissed prior to indictment of co-defendants.
USA V. KIM Structuring After early intervention, Client was not charged with more serious tax crimes and received probation on structuring in excess of $100,000.
Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Nishay Sanan on TruTV In Session 9/27/12